


difficulties; misfortune.

"resilience in the face of adversity"

ADVRSTY was built upon overcoming obstacles and misfortunes in our unpredictable world. Our world is evil, cruel, and filled with many roadblocks. As a human, you have a choice to let those roadblocks keep you where you are or push through them and come out on top. Adversity is one of the main reasons why there are so many average people in this world, at the slight face-off with adversity most people turn their heads and hide away. The majority of people never unlock their full potential.

This is what founded ADVRSTY, instead of running away from adversity, people need to embrace it. Daily struggles and misfortunes are not enjoyable but they make us who we are. Standing head-on with adversity and conquering it will provide the best lessons in life while discovering your true self. Everything worthwhile in life is worth surmounting the negative experience associated with it.

Embracing adversity will reap the most beneficial experiences. You will discover things you never knew about yourself and tap into your untouched potential. Conquer, defeat, and overcome adversity to unlock your true potential.